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UNIPAM – ABC/MRE: South-South Cooperation


Mission to Guinea

The University Center of Patos de Minas (UNIPAM), through its Center for Internationalization and Academic Mobility (NIMA), participated in the mission to Guinea, organized by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE).

The mission to Guinea took place from August 21st to 25th, 2023 and was coordinated on the Brazilian side by ABC/MRE, with the aim of conducting technical visits to the agricultural sector and jointly drafting a project outline with the Guinean counterpart.

The UNIPAM professors who participated in this mission are: the veterinarians Prof. Dr. Flávio Moreira de Almeida (Master’s in Animal Science and PhD in Zootechnics) and Prof. Me. Gilson Passos de Moraes (Master’s in Animal Science), as well as the coordinator of NIMA, agronomist Prof. Me. Heitor Cunha Barros (Master’s in Business Administration).

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